肚皮痒怎么办?How to cope with belly itchy?
2018.02.24 2633人阅读 来源:爱博恩妇产医院
问: 肚皮痒,怎么办?一直想抓,又怕长纹。
A: Many pregnant women feel belly itchy, why? One reason is as the belly stretch to accommodate the increased size, it may lead to dermis tearing, during which the belly itches. Another reason, the declining of estrogen,progesterone and immunity causes the eczema, thus many pregnant women have stretch mark (dermis tear), red rash and even largepieces of eczema (pregnancy eczema),which is the main reason for pregnancy belly itching.
Now we know how to deal with belly itchy since we figure out the reasons. First of all, control your weight. If the rise in weight goes too fast, abdomen will increase fast, which results in excessively tearing of skin tissue, and itching happens. If itching caused by dry skin or rashes, slather some special moisturizer and calamine. Physicians will prescribe antihistamines for severe syndrome. Do not scratch frequently, pay attention to hand hygiene, and trim the nails in order not to get skin infection when scratching.
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