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孕期营养补充剂 Take the supplements when you're pregnant

2018.03.12 2677人阅读 来源:爱博恩妇产医院


  Almost all pregnant women need to get more protein, more of certain vitamins and minerals (such as folic acid and iron), and more calories (for energy). If there's room for improvement in your diet, eating highly nutritious meals is one of the best things you can do for your baby's health.


  But eating better doesn't mean eating a lot. If you start off at a healthy weight, you don't need additional calories during the first trimester. In the second trimester, you need about 340 extra calories a day and about 450 extra calories a day in the third trimester. If you're underweight or overweight to start, you'll need more or less than this, depending on your weight gain goal.


  Take a prenatal vitamin


  确保您选择的孕妇维生素含有叶酸。(您怀孕前和孕早期每天需要摄入400 mcg。相关机构,如美国国立卫生研究院,建议您在怀孕后将摄入量提高至少每天600 mcg)。叶酸缺乏会导致胎儿神经管畸形(NTDs),如脊柱裂。

  Even without morning sickness or food aversions, it's difficult to meet your nutritional needs with just a well-balanced diet. A prenatal vitamin-mineral supplement helps you get the nutrients you and your baby need to thrive.

  Make sure the prenatal vitamin you choose contains folic acid. (You need 400 mcg daily before you become pregnant and in early pregnancy. Some groups, such as the U.S. National Institutes of Health, suggest boosting your intake to at least 600 mcg once you're pregnant.) Not getting enough folic acid has been linked to neural tube birth defects (NTDs), such as spina bifida.


  Ask your healthcare provider if you need to take other supplements


  Choline is another important nutrient that researchers now believe may help prevent NTDs. You need 450 mg of choline a day during pregnancy. Most prenatal vitamins don't contain it, so you'll have to get it from food or ask your healthcare provider about taking a choline supplement.

  在怀孕后,为了确保您获得足够的铁和钙这些关键矿物质,医生会建议您服用铁或钙补充剂, 一些医生还建议在整个怀孕期服用维生素D。

  Later in your pregnancy your provider may suggest that you take iron or calcium supplements to make sure you're getting enough of these key minerals. Some experts also recommend taking a vitamin D supplement throughout pregnancy.


  If you're a strict vegetarian, have a medical condition such as diabetes,gestational diabetes, or anemia, or have previously delivered a low-birth-weight baby, talk with your healthcare provider about other supplements you might need. A registered dietitian can also help with diet specifics.

  如果您在服用维生素时有吞咽困难,可以选择可咀嚼的或粉末状的维生素拌水服用。切记维生素不是越多越好。请不要在没有医嘱情况下服用过量的维生素,矿物质或草药补充剂 - 这对胎儿发育不利。

  If you have trouble swallowing your vitamins or keeping them down, search for a chewable supplement or one in a powdered form that you can mix with water. And keep in mind that more isn't always better: Don't take megadoses of any vitamin, mineral, or herbal supplement without medical supervision – they could harm your developing baby.


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