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2018.03.13 2974人阅读 来源:爱博恩妇产医院





  Heartburn during pregnancy is a doozy with more than 50% of women experiencing this symptom, especially during the second and third trimesters. It is not usually a sign of a serious problem, but it can be quite uncomfortable and even painful. Gastroesophageal reflux is often called “acid reflux” or “heartburn.”


  Indigestion is also common during pregnancy and can occur with heartburn. Also known as “dyspepsia,” indigestion is just another name for an upset stomach. If you feel full, gassy, or bloated, you have indigestion!


  Heartburn occurs when gastric acid from your stomach is pushed up toward your esophagus (the pipe between your mouth and your stomach). This causes a burning sensation behind your breastbone or one that starts in your stomach and seems to rise up. You may also have a sour taste in your mouth or a feeling that vomit is rising in your throat (as we said, pregnancy is amazing, except when it’s not!). It’s important to treat heartburn, as many times it will cause you not to eat properly due to the pain, and if you’re not eating, your baby is not getting the proper nutrition.


  How Can You Avoid or Treat Heartburn During Pregnancy?

  1. 全天吃6顿小餐,而不是3顿正餐。这可以防止你的胃太撑。

  2. 不要过于靠近就寝时间(2-3小时前)

  3. 用枕头垫高你的头,使其高于你的胃。你可以购买一个斜角枕头,它可以让你保持良好的角度以避免食物倒流到食管。

  4. 不要食用辛辣食物或其他容易引起胃灼热的食物,如巧克力,油炸食物和咖啡因。

  5. 如果您尝试了以上方法都没用,则可以在医生指导下安全使用抗酸剂。碳酸钙抗酸剂通常是可以使用的。

  1. Eat 6 small meals throughout the day instead of 3 regular meals. This can prevent your stomach from becoming too full.

  2. Don’t eat too close to bedtime (2-3 hours before)

  3. Propping up your pillow to elevate your head above your stomach (gravity can help!). You can purchase a foam wedge that can get you at a good angle to avoid heartburn.

  4. No spicy foods or other trigger foods such as chocolate, fried foods, and caffeine.

  5. If you’ve tried other ways and nothing seems to work, there are antacids is deemed safe to take. Before self-medicating, talk to your doctor to confirm what is safe. Calcium carbonate antacids are typically okay.


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