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乳房小会影响泌乳量吗? Small Breast Affects Lactation?

2018.10.08 3750人阅读 来源:爱博恩妇产医院


  The breast is mainly composed of skin, breast glands, connective tissue and protective fat. Lactation is closely related to the development of breast glands, hormone, and the emotion of mother during breast-feeding, which can not tell merely from the size of breast. For example, hormone unbalancedness and fat deposition in big breast can hardly produce enough lactation.


  However, small breast with well development of breast glands, balanced hormone, well nourished and emotional pleasant of the mother, frequent sucking stimulation by the baby, all of which contribute to lactation increasement. Try to get “3 early” done within half an hour after delivery, namely, early skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby, early breast-feeding, early latches by the baby, which help you to claim victory in breast-feeding.


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