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孕妈必知:如何实现母乳喂养?Early Contact, Early Sucking

2018.02.24 4023人阅读 来源:爱博恩妇产医院




Sixty minutes after birth, the newborn could be put on the mother’s chest for skin contact or sucking for no less than 30 minutes to observe the foraging, sucking and swallowing situations.Attention should be paid to staying warm during the whole process.

Cheek skin contact between mother and baby is workable after C-section, while rooming-in, the respondent mother could let her newborn suck early.

As for premature and mild asphyxia newborn, the time will be decided by the pediatrician for early contact and early sucking.


Benefits of Early Sucking






Early sucking after delivery can generate the production of oxytocin and accelerate contraction of uterus so as to reduce postpartum hemorrhage.

Early sucking can strengthen baby’s sucking ability. It is a good chance to strengthen sucking as the baby has the strongest foraging reflex after childbirth. 

Infant sucking stimulates the nerve endings of mother’s nipples and the hormonal information will be transferred to the anterior pituitary in order to produce prolactin. When the infant is sucking for 30 minutes, prolactin is reaching its peak. Early sucking not only can promote breastfeeding but also the deepen affections between mom & baby.

The colostrum is the best food for babies, which is rich in protein and antibody. It enhances infant immunity, prevents infection and allergy, and promotes meconium discharge so as to help relieving jaundice.


24*7 Rooming-in


Mother and baby are 24*7 rooming-in; no more than one hour per day of maternal separation is permitted unless there is a medical indication. Our hospital all are rooming-in ward. 


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