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孕吐怎么办?Morning sickness

2018.02.24 2273人阅读 来源:爱博恩妇产医院


Nausea and vomiting can occur at any time throughout the day, with about 75% of women starting this reaction at weeks 5 to 6 of pregnancy. The exact cause is unclear, but most experts believe that it is with the chorionic gonadotropin.


Sometimes, although the nausea did not cause vomiting, but it makes pregnant women feel extremely discomfort and weakness. If the nausea can not be controlled, it will affect the appetite and weight loss, or feel dizzy or syncope. At this time, you need to tell the doctor, because doctors will have the means to reduce hyperemesis gravidarum.


In short, do not worry, as it would worsen the symptoms, nausea does no harm to pregnant women and babies. It is appropriate to have weight gain of 2 kg during first trimester. Many women do not even have any weight loss in the early stages of pregnancy. 


1. 少食多餐,不要让肚子空着。

2. 不必对短期内的平衡饮食过于关注,尽管吃自己想吃的东西。

3. 如果刷牙的时候恶心加重,换另一种牌子的牙膏会有效。

4. 如果由于口腔唾液存积使恶心加重,吸一点儿柠檬汁。

5. 喝一点儿姜茶或含一点儿姜片,对有些孕妇有效。

6. 试着吃一点烤面包、土豆和其他刺激性小、易消化的淀粉类食物。

7. 在床边放些奶油小饼干,起床前吃一点儿会使恶心减轻。


1. Eat more meals but less food each time, and stay the stomach with food.

2. Do not have to pay attention to the short-term balance of the diets, feel free to eat whatever you like.

3. If nausea increases when you brushing, change another brand of toothpaste. 

4. If the accumulated saliva makes nausea worse , have some lemon juice. 

5. Take some ginger tea or ginger slices.

6. Try to take some toast breads, potatoes and other less irritating, digestible starchy foods.

7. Put some creamy biscuits at the bedside, have some after get up which might be helpful for nausea .


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